When it comes to style

Black is always a good idea. If there’s one single advice that I could give this is it.

Stockholm, SE – Part 2

Welcome back to the second article about Stockholm.

On words and images

Since starting the blog, we’ve been playing a lot with photography, trying to give the texts here that visual kick that hopefully would get them noticed.

Stockholm, SE – Part 1

Having worked for a Swedish company, I have traveled to Stockholm on quite a few occasions, but never had the time to see the city as you do it when you are a tourist.

Story #4: Life on paper

He didn’t understand people too well, numbers were his thing.

Story#3: All those things you don’t tell

Oh, Good Lord, Soph!, she thought to herself, you’ve outdone yourself this time.

Weekend lunch combo: Energiea and Origo

Super good food at Energiea, topped by super tasty coffee at Origo.

Story #2: Diary of a Ghost

Dear Diary,  My name is John and I am crazy. 

Healthy eating tips from a French fries lover

Let’s be honest here: healthy eating is not easy, especially if you are like me and your favourite dish in the whole world is a bucket of fries…